Depending on the seminar, external trainers will share their perspectives and
professional know-how with you. Recognize the importance of good communication, feel what it can spark and how easy it is to achieve your goals. Learn to listen carefully…


Marita Bestvater
Award for the Job.N project, sustainable* job development by the federal government, Council for Sustainable Development Quality Seal Workshop N 2016. *Sustainability means prosperity for everyone, but neither at the expense of other countries, other people and future generations, nor at the expense of the natural environment. In short: today not at the expense of tomorrow, here not at the expense of elsewhere. Guide to the German Sustainability Context – Council for SUSTAINABLE Development.
Marita Bestvater is the perfect addition to Wergiew Trainings. With us as a trio, you will experience, among other things, “Montegrotto” once a year or understanding customers.
Our seminares
Look forward to your annual support for newcomers and “old hands”!
3 modules of two days each of professional growth for entrepreneurs! Let your founding ideas grow, develop intelligent development strategies and reap your success.
• Maximum group size: 12 participants
• 2 trainers
• For entrepreneurs, start-ups and newcomers
• Dates:
30. June/01. July 2024
11./12. August 2024
12./13. October 2024
3rd module:
Your annual companion for entrepreneurs
Sow. Grow. Harvest. Your professional companion throughout the year.
• Maximum group size: 12 participants
• 2 trainers
• 3 modules of 2 days each
• Newcomers, founders, start-ups, entrepreneurs
Here you will find all seminars and new programs for Wergiew training in the of 2024 at a glance! We are happy to continue to support you with various financing options with up to 80% subsidy. Authorized continuing education provider for the German “Bildungsprämie” and authorized process consultant for the program „Unternehmenswert Mensch“.
We are happy to advise you individually.
Understanding customers. understanding myself
The better I understand my customers and can perceive what they really want, the more professional and easier my daily work becomes. Success guaranteed!
• Maximum group size: 12 participants
• 2 trainers
• 2 days
• For beginners + advanced levels
Time for myself. WORK and SPARE TIME in harmony 09/23/2024 – 09/28/2024. Recognizing, balancing and transforming stressful situations on the job. For an easier, relaxed and sustainable working life, that is to be filled with new positive resources.
Group size: max. 12 participants
Trainers: Marita Bestvater, Christoph and Stefanie Wergiew
Intended for whom? For entrepreneurs and for those who want to have TIME FOR THEMSELVES