Dear Marita, dear Christoph
Thank you very much for this great seminar.
It has set new signs for me on my path as an entrepreneur. Not only was I able to get to know you, but I was also able to get to know myself in a new way and everyone in the group opened up a bit, which was sometimes very emotional.
The seminar showed me where I stand as an entrepreneur, including my strengths, who I am and who I want to be. You showed us in pictures how we are doing or what could be possible. The timeline that one should set for oneself and what has been achieved or could still be achieved on this path.
How I, as an entrepreneur, can build a good team around me through my actions alone, if I only also look to the left and right, if I give team members their space, then you can achieve something and grow.
Thank you for these insights into what is possible as an entrepreneur.