PROCESS consulting

With professional knowledge and a good portion of experience, I am very happy to accompany people on their professional path. Individual advice, training and coaching supports individual value-based development. Always by your side, aware of your personal needs and at eye level.

The same applies to your team when it comes to realignment, goal work, result orientation, commitment, confidence-building measures and conflict situations. My motivation lies in giving people suitable tools so that they can master challenges on their own in the future. Without a consultant, trainer or coach. Without me. Empowerment is the magic word and helps you recognize your potential and grow.

My tools: systemic energetic coaching, neurolinguistic programming, results-oriented advice, conflict moderation, organizational constellation and insights from 23 years as an entrepreneur in a family business, in the hairdressing trade.

My satisfied entrepreneurs come from the following areas:

  • LMW lights factory in Wurzen
  • Confectionery and patisserie
  • Electrical installation companies
  • Real estate industry, hospitality businesses as well as hairdressing companies…

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Christoph Wergiew

Expert hairdresser, coach, certified executive coach & systemic team coach, CEE master coach of Coaching Experts Europe, and generally a “doer”

Nothing is impossible – Christoph is constantly motivated to experience something new and pass on his knowledge. Christoph Wergiew was born in Leipzig in 1979 and successfully runs an 8-person hairdressing company in the 4th generation in Leipzig.

As a freelancer, he runs trainings both in technical and communication skills nationwide and beyond Germany's borders and participates in well-known trade fairs such as Top Hair International. Christoph Wergiew works as an accredited Insights MDI Master, certified Practitioner & Master of the German Association for Neurolinguistic Programming and accredited process consultant for the EU program “unternehmensWERT:Mensch”. Christoph Wergiew has been working as a freelancer at Gieseke Cosmetic GmbH for the luxury brand LÁNZA since 2017.

Come with us on a journey, we are looking forward to getting to know you!
