FRISEUR trainings


Freelance Trainers

As freelance trainers, we are not tied to any company or product range. We can simply visit you and get you started, refresh your skills or discover dormant, deeply hidden abilities.

Where you are

We are very happy to come to you or you are welcome to visit us (we work at the Wergiew Training Academy / Lánza Academy Leipzig powered by Gieseke cosmetic GmbH with Lánza Healing Color and Care).


Beginning with the absolute basics, through effective color techniques to high-
performance training with cut and color. Training the right perception, expanding the professional spectrum, creating new looks with your creativity and mastering professional challenges.

Our seminars are 2-day seminars with an individual group size of a maximum of 8 participants and two trainers. We are happy to make individual arrangements for the seminar about what you would like to train and implement with us in a more targeted fashion. The training takes place on models who are recognized, advised and professionally developed as real customers. (We can also claim your Bildungsprämie vouchers).

Welcome to Wergiew Training!

SALON schulungen


Gönnen Sie sich und Ihrem Team geballte Fachlichkeit in den Bereichen Haarschnitt, Haarfarben sowie Kundenkommunikation auf höchstem Niveau! Egal, mit welchen Produkten Sie arbeiten, hier liegt der Fokus auf Fachlichkeit.

Wir stimmen Ihre Wünsche für eine individuelle Inhouse-Schulung vorher mit Ihnen ab damit wir Ihnen und Ihrem Team in gewohnter Umgebung das Bestmögliche aus dem Trainingstag heraus holen. Eine professionelle Beratung ist für uns genauso selbstverständlich wie eigene kreative Ideen mit einzubringen. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam weit über den Tellerrand blicken und entfernen Sie sich und Ihr Team aus der Komfortzone.

Wir schärfen Ihren Blick für neue Sichtweisen, damit Sie künftig sowohl schneller und leichter als auch effektiver Ihre Ziele erreichen.

Preis: 750,00€/Tag zzgl. 19% MwSt.

(Fahrtkosten sowie Übernachtung (bei Bedarf) werden extra berechnet)

Dauer: 10-18 Uhr

Termine: Sonntags und/oder Montags (nach Absprache)

Es sind auch zwei zusammenhängende Tage möglich

Wir freuen uns sehr auf Sie und Ihr Team!

SALON training

Treat yourself and your team to concentrated expertise in haircuts, hair colors and customer communication at the highest level!


Curious about experiencing healthy hair, shiny results and a hairstyle created just for you?

Our seminars


Here you will find all seminars and new programs for Wergiew training in  2024 at a glance! We are happy to continue to support you with the financing of these seminars with various funding options with up to 80% subsidy. Authorized continued education provider for the German professional education initiative “Bildungsprämie” and authorized process consultant for the program “Unternehmenswert Mensch”. We would be happy to advise you individually.


Look forward to new blonde looks, individual balayage variants and great color games! Two very intensive days, everything related to the topic “blonde”, effectiveness and expansion of your know-how.

  • Maximum group size: 8 participants
  • 2 trainers
  • For beginner + advanced levels

Our new seminar

Get excited about our new seminar!

Two and a half days of top-class concentrated power! Portfolio expansion, possible combinations and the challenge of “living simplicity”.


Ganz unter dem Motto: “In der Einfachheit liegt die Herausforderung” werden Sie an 2,5 Tagen ein gehaltvolles und intensives Seminar erleben, wo gelebtes Wissen sowie Fachlichkeit fusionieren. Freuen Sie sich auf bewusstes Tun, Kommunikation und wirtschaftliche Hintergründe.

> Maximum group size: 4 participants
> 2 trainers
> For advanced learners who have attended all of our technical seminars at least once

> Dates: TBD

CUT awareness. Cut boldly

Two days, on real models – from structured basics to creative wispiness in haircuts, you will learn new perspectives, cutting techniques and possibilities for your customers and for yourself in everyday salon life.

  • Maximum group size: 8 participants
  • 2 trainers
  • For beginner + advanced levels


Consciously get to know your customers and their environment and offer them a rich spectrum of knowledge; combine effective highlighting techniques with freehand techniques or balayage. Go unconventional and stand out from your competitors. You will be working for two days on real models in very high color mode.

  • Maximum group size: 8 participants
  • 2 trainers
  • For beginner + advanced levels

Understanding customers. Understanding myself.

The better I understand my customers and can recognize what they really want, the more professional and easier my daily work. With a guarantee of success!

  • Maximum group size: 12 participants
  • 2 trainers
  • 2 days
  • For beginner + advanced levels


Here you will find your registration confirmation for yourself and/or for your team.

Come with us on a journey, we are looking forward to getting to know you!
